Trading on Turbo platform involves significant level of risk and is not suitable and/or appropriate for all clients. You should never invest funds you cannot afford to lose.
Discover a new way to trade
PrimeXBT Turbo is a user-friendly platform that allows you to earn up to 90% by simply predicting short-term price moves of various assets such as Bitcoin, Gold, S&P500, Oil, and EUR/USD
Unique 24/7 trading
Experience fresh and cool way to make money online. Trade Bitcoin, EUR/USD, Gold and over 30+ assets!
Start from just $1
Start building your capital without the risk of losing large amount of money
Free 1 BTC demo account
Practice without any risk! Test all platform features while trading on a free virtual account
Simple and convenient
Enjoy secure and user-friendly platform. We provide live chat support to all our users